Multi-Family LOTS-4-KIDS Rummage Sale! in Lomira, Dodge County, Wisconsin

Garage Sales Northwest Corner Of Lomira, Lomira, Dodge County, Wisconsin


It is that time again...LOMIRA"S VILLAGE-WIDE RUMMAGE SALE! Visit our Multi-family LOTS-4-KIDS Rummage! (We have things for adults, too!) Clothing sizes youth 0/3 - 14/16 in boys and girls, plus some juniors/young adult items. We're got Lomira wear in youth sizes! (It's mixed in by size, so ask if you are looking for specific items.) **Most clothing is $1 each piece.** Sports cleats, shin guards, goalie gloves, T-ball sized bat bag, T-balls, baseball cleats, baseball bats, baseball glove, baseball/softball pants in excellent condition, swim suits, and more. Toys, books, games, puzzles, movies, booster seats, coats, shoes, hats, mittens, fancy dresses, dress pants & shirt/tie combos, dance outfits, and Halloween costumes. With my sister's things there are some baby items and smaller kids toys again this year...changing table, electronic play kitchen, electronic play grill, Leap pad, race car track and cars, train table with tracks and trains, Legos, Little People playsets, Playschool items, little boy's bed-in-a-bag with trains, trucks and planes. We also have miscellaneous household items...futon with mattress, outdoor fountain (bears), baskets & tins, toaster oven, 50's style kitchen table, and LOTS MORE! With so much to choose from, you are sure to find something! Look for the LOTS-4-KIDS signs.

On Saturday, the kids will be hosting their lemonade stand, "LEMONS & MORE!", featuring 3 kinds of lemonade including their signature drink...watermelon slush home-made baked goods. Stop by. You won't be disappointed!

Friday: 8 am - 3 pm
Saturday: 8 am - 3 pm

1031 North Hills Ct., Lomira (Northwest corner of Lomira on cul du sac street off of Garden.)

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Listing id 36296
Post date June 1, 2017 9:57 PM
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Cheri Neitzel
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